Dual Pulse Capacitive Discharge Welder
SP1100DP resistance welders have many advantages over other welder types. Operators achieve quick energy releases for tacking tungsten carbides. This quick energy release is concentrated into a small area, generating a small heat signature or heat affected zone (HAZ).
This small HAZ means that more delicate projects such as welding carbide inserts will maintain the integrity of the carbide chemistry when using SEACO’s Dual pulse SP1100DP welding technology.
The Dual Pulse feature is ideal for achieving strong carbide adhesion. Dual Pulse is another way of saying that a given stored energy level can be allocated or divided into two separate pulses that occur within milliseconds of one another. Pulse 1 is a low energy pulse designed only to pre-heat the weld part, and does not actually perform the weld.
This pre-heat pulse has a few advantages: it seats the electrodes, helps to eliminate weld splash, and aids in burning away contaminants and oxides. Pulse 2 performs the actual weld by discharging remaining stored energy for permanent nugget formation.
SP1100DP spot welders are simple to use with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The SP1100DP welders can be adjusted and fine-tuned to match the requirements of countless applications.
A digital screen displays total weld energy and individual pulse length settings, ensuring detail and precision. When combined with SEACO’s new line of weld heads or hand attachments, SP1100DP welders perform strong and repeatable welds for the high levels of consistency and quality control.

- Single Dual Pulse Operation Roll Spot (optional)
- Infinitely Adjustable Pulse Width Up to 120 Welds/Min
- Intuitive User Interface