Requires hard sharp surface imposed on softer surface.
Potentially Occurs in:
Agricultural equipment, handling minerals Commune equipment, Earth moving, mineral benefication, Handling solids containing mineral fillers
Low Stress
Scratching abrasion is essentially the primary mechanism of damage when surfaces subjected to low stress abrasion show that material has been removed by hard sharp particles or when material has been plowed out in furrows by hard sharp particles.
High Stress
This form of abrasion is characterized by scratching plastic deformation of surfaces and pitting from impressed particles. Damage is always more severe than in low-stress abrasion. Plastic deformation of metal surfaces often occurs and deep scratches occur in the direction of motion.
Gouging abrasion is a material removal caused by the action of repetitive compression loading of hard material such as rocks against a softer surface, usually a metal. This form of abrasion is likely to be conjoint with both low and high-stress abrasion.
Polishing wear, the smoothing or brightening of a surface is unintentional progressive removal of material from a surface by the action of rubbing from other solids under conditions that material is removed without visible scratching, fracture, or plastic deformation of the surface. Surfaces that have been subject to polishing wear are usually smoothed or brightened, but this smoothing or brightening requires material removal and can cause a loss of serviceability in some parts. Dimensions may be changed enough to make a part unusable.